Motilal Oswal Research Report on Suprajit Engineering

Result Highlights

# Suprajit’s 4Q is not comparable as Phoenix has been consolidated since 3Q while we do not have comparable numbers from the prior period.
# Standalone revenues have risen 17% and EBITDA is up 24% while profits are down 6% on sharp rise in interest cost.
# Consolidated results have recieved a boost from Phoenix acquisition with 77% revenue growth and doubling of profit.
# Margins have been stable with marginal QoQ and YoY growth, while standalone margins have risen 100bps.
# Acquisition cost of INR1cr is factored into 4Q earnings. Numbers are marginally higher than our estimates.
# Dividends – Final dividend of INR.0.55/share and interimn dividend of INR.0.50/share.

For detailed analysis please see attached company report…

Anouncements from Suprajit

Trading Window of the Company will remain closed from October 1, 2024 up to 48 hours after the declaration of Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and half…

Here is the detail report of Business responsibility and sustainability for the FY 2023-24

Here is the detailed letters of AGM Notice and Book closure.

Further to our letter no. SEL/SEC/ 2024-2025/43 dated August 19, 2024, we are enclosing herewith the Letter of Offer dated August 29, 2024 and Tender Forms in relation to the…

Call Recording of Q1 FY25 Result Conference Call Hosted by Anand Rathi Investors Q1 FY 25 Earning Call Transcript

Please find attached financial results for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2024

Enclosed Please find an invitation for Investors conference call to be held on Friday, August 16, 2024 at 11:00 a.m IST.

Suprajit in the News / Media

Since Inauguration in Q1 Suprajit Electronics Division (SED) has already reached revenue run rate of Rs. 100 Mn per month with Rs. 5 Bn p.a from electronics business in near…

Strong growth in Electronics division driven by increased deliveries for EV/ICE vehicles Suprajit’s consolidated revenue stood at INR 7,242 Mn in Q3FY24, below our estimate of INR 8,211 Mn registering…

We expect 12% revenue CAGR for SEL over FY23–25E, led by all-round growth across business segments and an incremental ₹8.7 bn from LDC revenue. Auto Cable business is expected to…

Please find attached the copy of Newspaper Advertisement published by the Company in‘Business Standard’, English Newspaper and ‘Sanjevani’, Kannada Newspaper.

Find below attached copies of the Newspaper Advertisement published by the company in “Financial Express”, English Newspaper and “Sanjevani”, Kannada Newspaper, with respect to Financial Results for the quarter ended…

Find below attached copies of the Newspaper Advertisement published by the company in “Business Standards”, English Newspaper and “Sanjevani”, Kannada Newspaper, with respect to Financial Results for the quarter and…

由Anand Rathi Research於2023年2月14日上午11:00主持的23財年第三季度業績電話會議的電話會議錄音 Suprajit Eng Q3FY23 通話錄音

Enregistrement de la conférence téléphonique sur les résultats du troisième trimestre de l’exercice 23, organisée par Anand Rathi Research, le 14 février 2023, à 11 h 00 IST. Suprajit Eng…

Grabación de la conferencia telefónica sobre los resultados del tercer trimestre del ejercicio fiscal 23 organizada por Anand Rathi Research el 14 de febrero de 2023, a las 11:00 horas…

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