Anouncements from Suprajit

Trading Window of the Company will remain closed from October 1, 2024 up to 48 hours after the declaration of Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and half…

Here is the detail report of Business responsibility and sustainability for the FY 2023-24

Here is the detailed letters of AGM Notice and Book closure.

Further to our letter no. SEL/SEC/ 2024-2025/43 dated August 19, 2024, we are enclosing herewith the Letter of Offer dated August 29, 2024 and Tender Forms in relation to the…

Call Recording of Q1 FY25 Result Conference Call Hosted by Anand Rathi Investors Q1 FY 25 Earning Call Transcript

Please find attached financial results for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2024

Suprajit in the News / Media

We forecast revenue CAGR of 25% over FY22-25E We forecast 28% EPS CAGR over FY22-25E for Suprajit We initiate coverage with a BUY recommendation and Sep-23E TP of Rs440 Consistent…

Notice is hereby given that the 37th (Thirty Seventh) Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Members of Suprajit Engineering Limited (“the Company”) will be held on Monday, September 26, 2022,…

Ezúton értesítjük Önöket, hogy a Suprajit Engineering Limited (“a Társaság”) tagjainak 37. (harminchetedik) éves rendes közgyűlésére 2022. szeptember 26-án, hétfőn 14.30 órakor kerül sor. IST videokonferencián (VC) / egyéb audiovizuális…

Avis est donné par la présente que la 37e (trente-septième) assemblée générale annuelle (AGA) des membres de Suprajit Engineering Limited (“la société”) se tiendra le lundi 26 septembre 2022, à…

Por la presente se notifica que la 37ª (Trigésima Séptima) Junta General Anual (AGM) de los Miembros de Suprajit Engineering Limited (“la Empresa”) se celebrará el lunes 26 de septiembre…

特此通知,Suprajit工程有限公司(“本公司”)成員第37(第三十七)屆年度股東大會(AGM)將於2022年9月26日星期一下午2時30分舉行。 通過視頻會議(VC)/其他視聽方式(OAVM)進行IST。 有關更多資訊,請參閱隨附的 PDF。

We initiate coverage on Suprajit Engineering (SEL) with a BUY rating. SEL is one of the largest manufacturers of Automotive Control Cables and Halogen Lamps, supplying to domestic & international…

Suprajit Engineering (SEL) has consistently grown ahead of industry through inorganicopportunities. Through its newest acquisition (LDC), company is well placed to increaseits global market share in control cables.

Suprajit Engineering Limited’s (Suprajit’s) Q2FY2022 numbers were better than expectations, with revenue, EBIDTA, and PAT improving by 36.5%, 62.6%, and 99.8%, respectively, on a q-o-q basis. Net revenue improved by…

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